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    Mission Statement

    The mission of the Office of Human Resources is to provide quality services and programs, as well as knowledgeable guidance and assistance, to all members of the campus community. We develop and communicate sound policies and procedures that balance the needs of employees and the needs of the university while ensuring compliance with federal and state law in our administration of benefits, compensation, employee relations, recruiting and selection, performance management, training and development, and human resources planning.

    As we strive to support the University’s goals and objectives, we are committed to excellence in building and maintaining effective campus and community partnerships while promoting an environment in which individual differences are embraced, diversity is valued and encouraged, and people are recognized as our most important resource.

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    Contact Information

    Office of Human Resources
    UNA Box 5043 | 601 Cramer Way, Room 226
    P: 256.765.4291
    Catherine White
    Associate Vice President, Human Resources
    Sam Bullock
    Executive Assistant, Human Resources